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Here are 10 Things People from Washington Do That Seem Insane To Everyone Else




Embark on a journey into the Evergreen State, where Washingtonians march to the beat of their own drum, engaging in practices that might leave outsiders scratching their heads. From eschewing umbrellas in favor of waterproof gear to embracing the thrill of volcano viewing, residents of Washington demonstrate a unique blend of adventurous spirit and unconventional habits that might seem downright insane to those from outside the Pacific Northwest. Join us as we uncover 10 quirks and traditions that make Washingtonians truly one-of-a-kind.

“Umbrella aversion”

Washingtonians often forgo umbrellas despite frequent rain, embracing waterproof jackets and hoodies instead, a practice that may seem perplexing to those accustomed to seeking shelter from precipitation.

“Salmon tossing”

During events like the Seattle Salmon Days Festival, Washingtonians participate in salmon tossing competitions, hurling rubber salmon through the air for distance or accuracy, a quirky pastime that may appear eccentric to outsiders.

“Ferry commuting”

Many Washington residents commute via ferry across Puget Sound, braving unpredictable weather and potential delays for the convenience of scenic waterway travel, a commuting choice that may seem impractical or daunting to those accustomed to more conventional modes of transportation.

“Coffee shop loyalty”

Washingtonians exhibit unwavering loyalty to their favorite local coffee shops, often bypassing national chains in favor of supporting independent roasters and cafes, a devotion to caffeinated beverages that may seem obsessive to those from regions with less of a coffee culture.

“Volcano viewing”

Residents of Washington enjoy hiking and sightseeing near active volcanoes like Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helens, sometimes even venturing into restricted areas to get a closer look at volcanic activity, an adventurous pursuit that may seem daring or reckless to those from safer geological regions.

“Freaking out over sunshine”

When the sun makes a rare appearance in Washington, residents often react with excitement and enthusiasm, rushing outdoors to soak up the fleeting sunshine, a reaction that may seem exaggerated to those from sunnier climates.

“Geoduck harvesting”

Washingtonians engage in the harvesting and consumption of geoduck, a large saltwater clam with an elongated siphon, considered a delicacy in Asian cuisine but with a appearance that may seem unusual or unappetizing to those unfamiliar with it.

“Rainwater collection”

Some Washington residents collect rainwater for household use, installing rain barrels or cisterns to capture and store precipitation, a sustainable practice that may seem unconventional or unnecessary to those from regions with ample freshwater resources.

“Hiking in the rain”

Despite the wet climate, Washingtonians embrace outdoor activities like hiking and camping, often venturing into the wilderness even in rainy weather, equipped with waterproof gear and a determination to enjoy nature regardless of the conditions.

“Nudibranch spotting”

Along the Washington coast, enthusiasts engage in the hobby of nudibranch spotting, searching tide pools and rocky shores for these colorful and intricately-patterned sea slugs, a marine pastime that may seem obscure or peculiar to those unfamiliar with marine biology.

Lover of all things travel related outside and inside the US. Leo has been to every continent and continues to push to reach his goals of visiting every country.

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