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Here are 10 Things People from Oregon Do That Seem Insane To Everyone Else




Step into the Pacific Wonderland of Oregon, where residents march to the beat of their own drum! From naked bike rides to urban goat rentals, Oregonians engage in behaviors that might baffle outsiders. Join us as we explore 10 quirks and traditions that showcase the unique and sometimes eccentric nature of Oregonian culture.

“Composting everything”

Oregonians are passionate about composting, often composting everything from food scraps to paper products, showcasing a commitment to sustainability that may seem excessive or impractical to those less environmentally conscious.

“Naked bike rides”

Oregon is known for its annual naked bike rides, where participants cycle through city streets in various stages of undress, promoting body positivity and alternative transportation methods in a spectacle that may seem shocking or risqué to outsiders.

“Microbrewery obsession”

Oregonians have a fervent love for microbreweries, with Portland boasting the highest number of breweries per capita in the United States, showcasing a dedication to craft beer culture that may seem obsessive or excessive to those from regions with fewer breweries.

“Urban goat rentals”

In cities like Portland, residents sometimes rent goats to help with weed control or landscaping in their yards, a practice that may seem eccentric or unconventional to those from areas without urban farming initiatives.

“Rainy day outdoor activities”

Despite Oregon’s rainy climate, residents often embrace outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and cycling year-round, showcasing a resilience and love for nature that may seem insane or uncomfortable to those accustomed to fair-weather outdoor pursuits.

“Unicycling as transportation”

In Portland, some residents use unicycles as a form of transportation, navigating city streets and bike lanes on a single wheel, a mode of travel that may seem impractical or risky to those accustomed to more conventional forms of transportation.

“Keeping it weird”

Oregonians take pride in embracing their state motto of “Keep Portland Weird,” celebrating individuality, creativity, and eccentricity in a way that may seem unconventional or odd to those from more conservative or conformist communities.

“Voodoo Doughnut lines”

Tourists and locals alike often wait in long lines at Voodoo Doughnut shops in Portland to sample unique and extravagant doughnut creations, showcasing a dedication to indulgent sweets that may seem excessive or extravagant to those with less of a sweet tooth.

“Urban foraging”

Some Oregonians practice urban foraging, gathering edible plants and mushrooms from city parks, sidewalks, and green spaces, demonstrating a connection to nature and a desire for self-sufficiency that may seem unusual or risky to those unfamiliar with wild food identification.

“Protesting for obscure causes”

Oregonians are known for their passionate activism and willingness to protest for a wide range of causes, sometimes including niche or obscure issues, demonstrating a commitment to social justice and community engagement that may seem intense or extreme to those from less politically active regions.

Lover of all things travel related outside and inside the US. Leo has been to every continent and continues to push to reach his goals of visiting every country.

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