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New Mexico

Check Out these Hand-Carved Sand Caves Made 100% By Hand Found Only in New Mexico




From building sand castles on the beach to making intricate sand caves—or should I say temples in the wilderness—one guy made this a reality in New Mexico. Who would have thought humans could actually do this? I was in complete awe when I saw them.


Hand-Carved Sand Cave

Sitting within the rugged landscapes of New Mexico in Santa Fe lies a hidden treasure—a series of hand-carved caves that defy imagination and bring artistry to the depths of the Earth. Crafted by the skilled hands of artist Ra Paulette over the course of 25 years, these subterranean wonders are more than mere caves; they are psychedelic sandstone temples that beckon explorers into a world of awe and wonder.

Inspiration Behind the Caves

Ra Paulette’s inspiration to create these caves stemmed from his deep connection to nature and his passion for artistry. Driven by a desire to combine his love for sculpting with his reverence for the Earth’s natural beauty, Paulette embarked on a journey of creativity and exploration. His caves are not just geological formations but artistic expressions of his spiritual connection to the environment.


Journey into Subterranean Artistry

Venturing into one of Paulette’s 14 hand-carved caves is like stepping into a realm where nature and art intertwine seamlessly. Some caves feature undersized doors that lead to expansive chambers adorned with carved designs of flowers, abstract suns, and emotive flourishes. Skylights allow sunlight to filter in, casting ethereal rays that illuminate the cave’s natural beauty.

Spiritual Essence of the Caves

Paulette ascribes a spiritual power to these underground marvels, considering them more than mere artworks but conduits for peace and introspection. The benches carved into the walls and deep niches for candles create an ambiance of tranquillity, inviting visitors to connect with the Earth in a profound way.


Challenges and Discoveries

While the allure of these hand-carved caves is undeniable, accessing them can be a challenge. Most of the caves now sit on private property, closed to the public due to past trespassing issues. However, for those who seek permission and embark on the journey, the reward is a glimpse into a world where artistry and nature converge in harmonious splendor.


Preservation and Future Exploration

Despite the challenges of access, efforts are underway to preserve and protect these unique creations. Organizations and enthusiasts advocate for responsible exploration and appreciation of the hand-carved caves, ensuring that future generations can experience their magic.

Please Note: Since most of Ra Paulette is private property, do not trespass; it’s closed to the public.

Unearthing Beauty Beneath the Surface

Ra Paulette’s Hand-Carved Caves are more than just geological formations; they are testaments to human creativity and reverence for the Earth’s treasures. As we marvel at these underground wonders, we are reminded of the boundless potential of art to transcend boundaries and awaken a sense of wonder and discovery in us all.

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