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7 Hauntingly Beautiful Photos of an Arizona Monsoon You Can’t Help But Look At




There is no limit to nature’s wonder. Whether you’re seeing it in its full glory, or in total chaos, you can’t deny that it is simply breathtaking. For this article, we’re going to show you the haunting beauty of the Arizona monsoon. The said season can be scary for some, but you can take comfort in the fact that at least it’s not happening now. Keep reading…

The Arizona Monsoon

The Arizona monsoon season starts in June and continues through September. Because of the higher humidity, specific areas may experience heavy rain, lightning, hail, high winds, thunderstorms, and flash flooding. On some occasions, there are also dust storms and extreme heat.

What causes the Arizona monsoon? There are times when the sun heats the Pacific Ocean and land at different rates. That’s when the Arizona monsoon starts. During this time, the land warms at a much faster rate compared to the ocean. This creates a low-pressure zone as the hot air rises, and it forces the winds to shift and to fill the vacuum that is formed.

Check Out These 7 Hauntingly Beautiful Photos of the Arizona Monsoon You Can’t Help But Look At:

1. We’re just waiting for a scary figure to step out of the storm.

Arizona Monsoon Photos

Source: Instagram

You can just see and feel the power of the Arizona monsoon even with a black and white photo. The photo is taken in Gila Bend, Arizona and shows a hell of a rain shaft you can’t just see anywhere. If you were driving and you saw this, would you be freaked out?

2. Such beautiful colors in the desert.

Desert Monsoon in Arizona

Source: Instagram

Like how there is beauty in chaos, you can also find a scary monsoon truly mesmerizing. If you have doubts about that, you should just take a look at this storm captured at the start of a monsoon season in 2018. The powerful bolts can be seen dropping over the Kitt Peak in Arizona. The colors are unbelievable and truly breathtaking. It’s not everyday that you get a view like this.

3. Yes, we can see that bolt as clear as day.

Clear Day Bolt Arizona Monsoon

Source: Instagram

Just because it’s daytime doesn’t mean a clear bolt won’t appear. For instance, here is a clear bolt with hints of a rainbow visible on the storm near Elgin, Arizona. If you look at the photo more closely, you can see a nice rotation on the radar as well. That’s just amazing.

4. Is the god of Thunder behind all this? No, it’s just the Arizona monsoon.

Powerful Monsoon Season AZ Scary Lightning

Source: Instagram

Nope, this is not Thor summoning lightning. This is just a photo of the Arizona monsoon. Allow us to say it for you. It’s truly hauntingly beautiful. You can just feel the power of the heavens and the skies above. We sure hope no one got hit by that bolt!

5. Haboob chasers captured the haboob perfectly. Need we say more?

Haboob AZ Scary Dust Storm US

Source: Instagram

This is the single most incredible photo of a haboob during an Arizona monsoon from the last decade. You will surely be in awe, because at full maturity, the dust storm will reach a height of a mile high and can travel two hundred plus miles southwest across the Arizona desert. It won’t die until after crossing into California! That’s scary, but also really interesting. Don’t you agree? Now our question for you is, do you have the guts to chase this kind of haboob?

6. You’re always going to see big storm clouds above cities.

Storm Cloud AZ Arizona Prescott

Source: Instagram

Look at how big the storm cloud is! It’s basically covering everything below it. This photo was taken during the Arizona monsoon over Prescott in August 2019. Don’t you think it’s humbling to know how little we are in this big, big world?

7. It’s a combination of calm and chaos. Here’s our proof.

Patagonia Lake State Park Arizona Photos

Source: Instagram

Just as long as we’re talking about the best Arizona monsoon photos, this one definitely makes the cut. It’s a nearly perfect scene that looks straight out of a geo-storm film. As you can see, the photo is overlooking the Patagonia Lake State Park. It shows the stark contrast between a regular sunny day and one during the Arizona monsoon season.

What do you think of these photos? Feel free to share your own photo of the Arizona monsoon with us. Meanwhile, here’s another good read: 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Monsoons.

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