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Here are 15 Slang Terms You’ll Only Understand if you’re from California




Welcome to the land where surfboards outnumber snowboards and avocados are practically a food group – California, the epitome of laid-back vibes and eclectic culture. From the iconic “hella” to the infamous “June Gloom,” the Golden State has a linguistic flair all its own. In this exploration of 15 side-splitting slang terms, we’re diving headfirst into the Californian lexicon, where every word seems to catch a wave of humor along the way.


A term originating from Northern California, meaning a lot or very. “That party was hella fun!”


A shortened and informal way of referring to California. “I’m headed back to Cali next week.”

The 405 (or any freeway number)

Californians often refer to freeways with a definite article, as in “the 405” instead of just “405.”


Used to describe something extreme, impressive, or challenging. “That wave was gnarly!”

June Gloom

Refers to the overcast and gloomy weather that can occur in Southern California during June.


A derogatory term for someone who is inexperienced or awkward, often used in the context of surfing.

The Left Coast

A colloquial term for the West Coast, emphasizing the liberal and progressive reputation of California.


To drive around casually or take a leisurely drive. “Let’s cruise down the coast.”


A term used to describe high-quality marijuana, reflecting California’s association with the cannabis culture.

Valley Speak

A distinctive way of speaking associated with the San Fernando Valley, characterized by a rising intonation at the end of sentences.

NorCal and SoCal

Abbreviations for Northern California and Southern California, reflecting the regional divide in the state’s culture and lifestyle.

Surf’s Up

Not just a literal term but also used to convey a positive and relaxed atmosphere. “Dude, it’s the weekend – surf’s up!”

The Golden State

A nickname for California, referring to the state’s abundance of sunshine and its historical connection to the Gold Rush.

Cali Sober

Embracing a lifestyle that avoids alcohol and drugs but allows for recreational cannabis use.


Used to express enthusiasm or approval. “That concert was sick!”

Cheyenne Reed was born and raised in Ohio. She recently relocated to rural Wyoming to try out working at an exclusive guest ranch. She graduated from Kent State University with an English degree, and most enjoys writing about travel. If she has free time, you may run into her anywhere, because she is always itching to explore new places. Her personal motto is, "Any day can be an adventure if you make it one!"

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