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10 Memes That Will Hit You Right In The Feels If You’re From Massachusetts




Baked beans, Pilgrims, the Boston Tea Party, and the fall foliage are just a few of the things Massachusetts is best known for. But did you know that the Old Colony State is also recognized through these collections of memes? If you’re a true-blue Bay Stater or just someone who’s passing by and in awe about Harvard and MIT, you’ll find that these 10 memes will hit you right in the feels. Nothing describes Massachusetts better than these.

Boston isn’t only known for its nicknames “The Hub of the Universe,” “The Athens of America,” and “Beantown.” Neither is it only known for its culture and art scene. Do you know what Boston’s trademark is? The traffic scene. Yep, that’s right. I didn’t stutter. 

Need to get your “Ah’s” in? Nothing beats talking to a Bostoner!

Nothing can get as classic as the Red Sox and NYC relationship. You know what I mean.

Potholes? Nothing beats Massachusetts when it comes to that!

Massachusetts’ love for Dunkin’ is just otherworldly. When you see this, you already know where you’re at.

Getting arrested for swerving? Not if you’re just avoiding potholes in the Bay State!

Nobody loves potatoes more than Boston does.

Think you’re in the sunny state? Sike! Welcome to Massachusetts!

In love with the fall foliage? You’re probably a tourist, aren’t you?

Are you coming from a country that only has two seasons? Don’t worry! Leave it to Massachusetts to make you experience all four in just a day or a half.

Massachusetts might be all sorts of things, but nothing feels like home. With the best scenes, culture, and arts mixed in with classic potholes, tons of potatoes, tea parties (you know what I mean), head-turning accents, and lots of weather changes — Massachusetts is bound to give you the experience of a lifetime. Which of these memes did you relate to the most?

Bea Marie is a communication graduate from the Philippines, currently navigating adulthood with her feline friend. She works as a content writer by day, and you'll find her nose buried in books that strike her fancy by night. Embracing stoicism, she seeks tranquility and balance amid life's challenges. Balancing work and hobbies, Bea Marie seeks to live a fulfilling life by opening herself to learning more and enjoying her time with her feline, friends, and family.

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