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These 3 Sedona Vortex Spots Will Have You Feeling Zenful




Have you ever been to a place with a healing heart? Sedona, Arizona has developed a worldwide reputation as a place of enlightenment – one that is both sacred and powerful. Learn about these 3 powerful Sedona vortex spots and discover why it will have you feeling zenful.

What is a vortex?

A vortex is a special spot on the earth where energy is found either entering into the earth or projecting out of it.

There Are Three Kinds of Vortexes You Should Know About

Magnetic Vortexes

These have a feminine or “yin” energy. The energy flow is usually soft and welcoming and good for inward activities such as meditation, and reflection.

Electrical Vortexes

These are the counterpart of magnetic vortexes, as these have a masculine or “yang” energy. With that said, this is perfect for any forward movements such as an intense yoga flow, chanting, or praying. It is said that being in this place is like drinking a double espresso – the energy you get from it keeps you moving.

Balanced Vortexes

A combination of magnetic and electrical energy make up balanced vortexes. If you visit a vortex spot of this type, you will gain clarity and find a higher vision for your life.

What are the 3 powerful Sedona vortex spots?

Airport Mesa

Be in awe of the basalt boulders and red rocks while enjoying a panoramic view and hiking near the energy center. Many Sedona vortex enthusiasts visit Airport Mesa because it is relatively close to downtown and a good spot for sunset viewing. The hiking loop goes on for about 3.5 miles. If you are visiting this for the first time, it’s best to avoid the hot summer months.

What Kind of Vortex is It?

The Airport Mesa is an example of an electrical vortex. This is because the energy here exits the earth with upward flow. You’ll find that your hike to the Airport Mesa will give you joy and creative energy.

Where is the Airport Mesa Vortex?

Go to the “Y” and proceed to travel West away from the uptown. Take the Highway 89A for 1.1 miles, then turn left onto the Airport Mesa Rd and follow it for about 1/2 of a mile. You’ll eventually see parking areas on the left. Park your car and just enter the trailhead.

Bell Rock

This distinct Sedona vortex site looks like a large standing bell that can’t be easily mistaken for another site. It has a 3.5-mile roundtrip hiking trail through the beautiful upland desert scenery that is no match for an Arizona skyline.

What Kind of Vortex is It?

Just like the Airport Mesa, Bell Rock also has masculine energy. This is a good place to stimulate thoughts and ideas, which in turn, is good for the soul.

Where is the Bell Rock Vortex? 

Go and follow the trail one-tenth of a mile from the parking lot. It will connect to the Courthouse Butte Loop Trail which is a trail around the base of Bell Rock. Some people will feel the need to climb to the top, but the experts say that grounding yourself at the base is just as powerful.

Boynton Canyon

Boynton Canyon
Source: Boynton Canyon | Keith Holden

This spot is considered the most sacred of the Sedona vortexes because it is a balanced vortex with both masculine and feminine energy. Many people believe that the entire canyon is filled with energy, so it’s ideal for meditation.

What Kind of Vortex is It?

The Boynton Canyon is the best example of a balanced vortex.

Where is the Boynton Canyon Vortex?

Feel the powerful energy by taking the Boynton Canyon Trail to the Boynton Canyon Vista Trail. You can hike around the backside and climb the saddle between two spires. According to experts, the vortex epicenter is located on the bare rock on the saddle, just a little over .5 mile from the parking areas.

It’s no wonder a large community of healers and spiritual practitioners come to Arizona. You will be drawn by its powerful energy sure to make you feel so zenful.

A writer big on nature, travel, and dogs. If you can't find Errot with her furry pal, then she's probably out exploring.

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