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Here are 12 Things People Who Visit Arizona Will Always Find Fascinating




When in Arizona, every experience will take you by surprise. Every destination is more than meets the eye, and the adventures will be unlike any other. It doesn’t matter if you stay inside the city or explore the one-of-a-kind communities. All places in this state hold a certain charm you can’t get enough of. Read the fascinating things about Arizona and get a picture of what it’s like in this beautiful state. Here are the 12 things the travelers find interesting:

1. You will experience a special kind of peace here.

Boynton Canyon Vortex Arizona

Source: Instagram

Arizona is recognized as a place of enlightenment, one that is extremely sacred and powerful. It has mostly to do with the vortex spots that exist in their land. The energy in vortexes moves in a spiral manner, drawing to its center everything that surrounds it just like a tornado. It is a special place where the earth is exceptionally alive with energy. So when you visit such a spot, you’ll be drawn in, and it will make you feel zenful.

Check out the different vortex spots in Arizona to recharge your spiritual energy. Or if you want, you can also meditate or clear your mind. We promise you’ll experience a special kind of peace here.

2. It does snow in Arizona.

Apache Trail Arizona Saguaro Cactus

Source: Instagram

Believe it or not, this isn’t just a dry, barren landscape nor a cacti-studded desert. It snows in a lot of places, but mainly in areas located in the northern and southeastern latitudes, and higher elevations.

If you’re curious, Flagstaff actually gets the most snow. Other areas that enjoy the white ice include Williams, Grand Canyon Village, Payson, and Prescott among others.

3. You will enjoy a diverse landscape.

Fossil Creek AZ Best Destinations

Source: Instagram

One of the most fascinating things about Arizona is that it is much more diverse than you think. Do you think the whole place is all about canyons and rock formations? Wrong!

It is a magnet for nature lovers because it has everything you’d ever want. Arizona has huge deserts, beautiful forests, gorgeous mountains (with equally gorgeous views), and expansive rivers and lakes. It even has its own meteor crater to boot! The result is you get a stunning scenery no matter where you are.

4. Oh yes, you better use a lot of sunscreens.

Arizona Hiking Trail

Source: Instagram

You can’t underestimate the Arizona sun. The heat and sunlight can be deadly if you don’t gear up with the proper sun protection items. With that said, use a lot of sunscreens, wear a wide-brimmed hat, and pack a bottle of water no matter where you go.

You don’t want to get a nasty second-degree burn.

5. You better think twice before you hike in the middle of the summer.

Mt. Lemmon Hike Arizona

Source: Instagram

Just so you know, it can be unbearably and dangerously hot during summer (as if that’s even a surprise). But if you can’t resist hiking up the mountains, make sure you start early (around 5 am), and not when the sun is already up. You should also choose a good spot and check out areas with elevations above 5,000 feet. Forget Phoenix because it isn’t such a great idea. Head over to Mt. Wrightson or Huachuca Mountains south of Tucson, the Mt. Lemmon in Tucson, or areas of Payson and Flagstaff instead.

Also, remember to bring and take lots of water. The sun’s heat will make you dehydrated.

6. It helps to shake out your shoes.

Arizona Scorpions Critters in Shoes

Source: Wikipedia

You can never be too careful. Arizona actually has a lot of critters such as scorpions. If you are used to leaving your shoes outside, make sure to shake it off a bit before putting them on. The creepy critters find comfort in cool, dark places. Hopefully, it’s not your shoe!

7. Water is your best friend.

Drinking Water Arizona Heat

Source: Instagram

There are indeed many fascinating things about Arizona. The majority of those probably include fun, outdoorsy activities that allow you to stay close to nature. Before you head out for an adventure, make sure to bring water! It will be especially helpful once your body loses minerals due to excessive sweating.

Additionally, you should also remember that one side effect of being in a huge desert is that there is dust everywhere. It just floats around and it’ll probably coat your body as soon as you step outside your house. Water will (again) be your best friend when you take a refreshing shower.

8. The annual monsoons don’t really symbolize the end of the world.

Arizona Monsoon Scary Photos of AZ

Source: Instagram

If it’s your first time visiting Arizona and you get a sighting of the annual monsoon, you’d probably think this is where you’ll die. But don’t worry. As scary as it looks, it’s actually quite normal. Arizonans are already used to the lightning, microbursts, and rain, coupled with massive sandstorms. Just don’t look and keep yourself busy with a movie or a good read.

Photographers usually see the monsoon season as a time to take jaw-dropping photos of Arizona!

9. Get ready to scour the area for the best Mexican eats.

Arizona is close to their neighbor to the south, that explains why there are many authentic Mexican restaurants around. Still, not all these restaurants serve good food, so you better exert extra effort to find the best place!

Once you find it, it’s simply worth it.

10. Arizona is a big place perfect for explorers, but you need to secure a permit.

The Wave Arizona

Source: Google Maps

Most visitors assume that since Arizona has the appearance of a wide, open land, then you can just wander your way through everything. That is not the case.

In fact, you need to do your due research before even setting out for a trip. Some lands are privately owned or designated as a reservation land, so you might need to secure permits before visiting. To be sure, check out the website of the destination you’re going to so you know if it’s free, or if permits are still required. Didn’t expect that? Well, that’s one of the fascinating things about Arizona.

11. You’ll only lose if you mess with the plants.

Saguaro Cactus Arizona

Source: Instagram

Many plants in Arizona have sharp edges and tiny needles that will protect them from the environment. Once such self-defending plant is that cactus, which is abundant across the Grand Canyon State.

You should know that Arizona takes their cactus seriously. You can’t shoot, ram, pick up, or even dig one up without a permit because they are considered protected plants. If you mess with the cactus and end up damaging it, you better be prepared to meet the plant protectors and cactus cops (no kidding!).

And oh, if you are caught violating, you’d be slapped with fines of $500 per plant, plus up to six months in jail.

12. There are no words to describe how beautiful Arizona is.

Tonto National Forest Arizona Sunset

Source: Instagram

Seriously. Even pictures don’t give enough justice to the stunning place that is Arizona. We bet you understand it by heart if you’ve been here before. You just need to see and experience everything in person!

What fascinating things about Arizona do you hear a lot of people say? Share it with us in the comments below and maybe we can add it to this list!

A writer big on nature, travel, and dogs. If you can't find Errot with her furry pal, then she's probably out exploring.

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