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Here are 10 Things People from California Do That Seem Insane To Everyone Else




Embark on a journey into the Golden State, where Californians defy expectations with their unique habits and lifestyles. From freeway hopping in heavy traffic to indulging in avocado everything, the eccentricities of California culture often leave outsiders scratching their heads. Join us as we explore 10 things people from California do that might just seem downright insane to everyone else.

“Freeway hopping”

Californians are notorious for navigating multiple lanes of heavy freeway traffic to switch lanes frequently, a driving habit that may appear chaotic or aggressive to those from more orderly traffic environments.

“In-N-Out obsession”

Californians have a cult-like devotion to the fast-food chain In-N-Out Burger, often waiting in long lines for their signature burgers and fries, a level of dedication to a burger joint that might seem excessive to outsiders.

“Surfing before work”

In coastal regions like Southern California, it’s not uncommon for people to hit the waves for a morning surf session before heading to the office, a lifestyle choice that may seem leisurely or impractical to those with more traditional work schedules.

“Avocado everything”

Californians have a penchant for incorporating avocados into virtually every meal, from avocado toast for breakfast to guacamole with chips for snacks, showcasing a love for this creamy green fruit that may bewilder those from regions where avocados are less abundant.

“Traffic lane splitting”

Motorcyclists in California often engage in lane splitting, maneuvering between lanes of slow-moving or stopped traffic, a practice that may seem risky or aggressive to drivers in states where it’s not legally permitted.

“Earthquake preparedness”

Californians are accustomed to earthquake drills, emergency kits, and seismic retrofitting of buildings, reflecting a proactive approach to living in a seismically active region that may appear paranoid or extreme to those from more stable geological areas.

“Juicing everything”

Californians embrace health and wellness trends, including juice cleanses and detoxes, often incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into liquid form for meals, a dietary habit that may seem faddish or extreme to those with more traditional eating habits.

“Hiking during wildfire season”

Despite the risk of wildfires, Californians maintain their love for outdoor activities like hiking and camping, even during peak fire season, a determination to enjoy nature that may seem reckless to those unaccustomed to the state’s wildfire threats.

“Tech company perks”

Employees at tech companies in Silicon Valley and other parts of California enjoy lavish perks such as gourmet meals, onsite massages, and nap pods, a workplace culture that may seem extravagant or indulgent to those from more traditional corporate environments.

“Year-round beach culture”

Californians embrace a laid-back beach lifestyle, with activities like beach volleyball, surfing, and bonfires being popular year-round, a dedication to coastal living that may seem idyllic or impractical to those from landlocked regions.

Lover of all things travel related outside and inside the US. Leo has been to every continent and continues to push to reach his goals of visiting every country.

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