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5 Reasons That Make the Biosphere 2 a Must-Visit for Any Nature Lover or Scientist




The Biosphere 2 was once used as a closed ecosystem that would serve as a model for future habitats in space. A group of researchers participated in closure experiments, during which they performed numerous scientific experiments, harvested and made their own food, and maintained their living space.

The complex has since been repurposed, and it’s gaining more attention than ever! Here are the reasons why Biosphere 2 is a must-visit for any nature lover or scientist:

1. Their Under the Glass Tour is an absolute must-try

Explore this amazing facility and keep tabs on their current scientific research by joining the Under the Glass Tour. You can walk the beautiful trail system as you wander through the Rainforest and walk across the Ocean overlook. There is even a Coastal Dog Desert that is too beautiful for words.

The tour willl lead you to the “lungs” which pretty much acts as the real lungs. But in this case, it helps moderate their air pressure in the Biosphere 2 environment. Many people describe these “lungs” as a true engineering marvel.

2. It is home to people who will shape the future of our planet

Biosphere 2

Source: During Sunset | University of Arizona – Biosphere 2

The closure experiments in the past aren’t being done anymore. Today, the place has been redesigned to feature cutting-edge science that will help shape the future of the planet. If you are a nature lover, it’s no doubt you’ll take comfort in the fact that there are dedicated researchers who help people become more conscious of their part in the environment.

Fun Fact: Some of the future experiments in the 700,000-gallon ocean biome aims to test the effects of increased levels of carbon dioxide on coral reefs in sea water.

3. Biosphere 2 is the world’s largest Earth and Environmental Science laboratory

Biosphere 2 Arizona

Source: Biosphere 2 | Wildcat Arizona

The expansive 40-acre facility is recognized as the world’s “largest Earth and Environmental Science laboratory.” Yes, we can read your mind. It kind of looks like a large glass pyramid about to launch a rocket at any moment, one shouldn’t forget that this not it. Biosphere 2 serves as a center for research, teaching, and life-long learning about Earth, including its living systems and its place in the Universe.

If you are into alternative energy, simply love earth science, or curious about the research of Biosphere 2, go take a tour! But it’s not all science-y here. You can visit if you want ideas for gardening or just want to appreciate the beauty of nature.

4. Biosphere 2 has beautiful biomes

This facility gives you a lot to explore that it gives more than enough merit for you to drive all the way here. It’s definitely much more inviting than your typical museum.

Check out the biomes inside:

  • Rainforest
  • Ocean with a coral reef
  • Mangrove Wetlands
  • Savannah Grassland
  • Fog Desert

5. It annually provides hands-on science lessons for students

Do you know what’s better than a facility that inspires hope in nature lovers and scientists alike? If you ask us, we’d say a facility that catalyzes interdisciplinary thinking and understanding about Earth and its future and shares it with the future leaders of the world.

Finally! A place that restores the hope for any nature lover and scientist. How does a tour to the Biosphere 2 sound to you?

Biosphere 2 address: 32540 S Biosphere Rd, Oracle, AZ 85739

Hours: Open Monday-Sunday 9am-4pm


A writer big on nature, travel, and dogs. If you can't find Errot with her furry pal, then she's probably out exploring.

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