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Here’s a Famous Rock Rising 830 Feet Above the Canyon Floor in Arizona You Wish You Can Climb but Can’t




Interesting and beautiful rock formations make up most of Arizona’s landscape. This is one of the reasons why the world loves Arizona! Everywhere you go, there’s a high possibility you’ll see one. If you’re a real adventurer who loves spending time outdoors, you’ve probably encountered quite a number of these rock formations somewhere along the trail. But there’s actually a famous rock formation that truly stands out and towers over the land. Check out Spider Rock in Arizona and be amazed!

The Navajo Nation Has a Treasured Rock Tower That Looks So Amazing

spider rock in arizona spire

Source: Google Maps

Navajo Nation covers different sections of Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. It is actually America’s largest reservation and is also home to Canyon de Chelly National Monument. The 27,000-square mile territory boasts beautiful features such as sandstone cliffs, a verdant canyon, red desert sands, as well as spires. But if you ask us (or anyone for that matter), its most prominent feature is probably the Spider Rock, a stone spire rising 830 feet above the canyon floor. As you can see, it is as if the land has cleared the space so the spotlight would be on this spire. It’s definitely too beautiful for words. It even makes us think of how it actually defies gravity.

Is There a Story Behind the Spider Rock in Arizona?

canyon de chelly az

Source: Instagram

Well, yes. This land is actually a sacred place because it’s occupied by the several Native American peoples. According to stories, Navajo is the lair of the “mythical Spider Woman” or Na’ashje’ii Asdzaa. She is in no way related to the hero of the Marvel films. In the story, Spider Woman descended to the top of Spider Rock, and spun her silken web before draping it to the ground.

The crack you see between the two rocks is her “home,” and she supposedly came out every day, snaring naughty children, and snatching them up to eat. Well, that’s actually quite scary. There are also other versions of the story that portrays her not as a “kid-eater.” Some stories make her appear more “friendly,” because she taught her people the fine art of weaving.

It doesn’t matter what the real story is. There’s one thing we can all agree on, and it’s the fact that the Spider Rock in Arizona is breathtaking! You will certainly appreciate the state more because you can’t just see this in any other state.

Spider Rock is One of North America’s Largest Free-Standing Pillars

It’s not just special because of how it looks. Hal Pranger, Chief of the Geologic Systems Branch of the National Park Service’s Geologic Resources Division says it’s actually the last remnant of stream and hillslope erosion process. This process is what makes the canyons deeper and wider. According to him, Spider Rock in Arizona was once connected to the ridge between the main Canyon de Chelly and Monument Canyon. Eventually, the hillslope and stream erosion process worked its magic, and at different rates along that ridge. Hal says it worked at a slower right at the spot that is now recognized as Spider Rock.

It’s just amazing how nature can carve away all the rock around this spire. The skinny needle formation is the highlight for the past years, and it will definitely still stand out for the decades to come.

Can You Climb It?

spider rock az

Source: Instagram

Spider Rock in Arizona may be a rock climber’s dream. However, no one is allowed to climb this spire because it’s sacred to the Navajo people. At present, it is illegal to climb in Canyon de Chelly and elsewhere on the Navajo Reservation.

But just because you can’t climb this one doesn’t mean you can’t know about the details. You can at least try to imagine the experience. The Spider Rock in Arizona is 9 pitches, but it can totally be done in 6 pitches. The route information was even detailed in the Mountain Project, back when some climbers successfully climbed the famed rock before it was closed off.

Those who have climbed the Spider Rock in Arizona can attest to the fact that the overlook just gives the most dreamy views in the world. Some rapped in instead of hiking in, and that was a mistake because the rap anchors weren’t all that inspiring. Furthermore, the overhanging jumar out of the canyon with heavy packs was almost too much.

If you were to pretend-climb here, you can fix your pitch in the dark during the evening and sleep at the base. Then, you can proceed to the summit and just head back the next day. You can also do some free climb.

You Can’t Climb It But You Can Still View and Admire This Beautiful Rock Spire

upclose spider rock az

Source: Instagram

Don’t let a “No Climbing” rule stop you from admiring this beautiful rock formation. You have to respect the wishes and rules of those who see this place as a sacred land. Just look at it from afar and be in awe. You are also free to take some photos! Many landscape photographers find this one a true gem, and we can’t really disagree with that.

Spider Rock az

Source: Instagram

Hike Spider Rock and see its raw beauty. Here’s what it looks like from the top!

navajo hike where to go

Source: Instagram

Once you reach the rock, you can stand close to it! Can you believe it looks quite wide? From afar, it looks like a needle in the landscape!

What can you say about this towering rock spire? Isn’t it amazing? If you want to learn about another famous rock spire, you can check out this 1,000-ft spire that is believed to be pointing to a vein of gold.

A writer big on nature, travel, and dogs. If you can't find Errot with her furry pal, then she's probably out exploring.

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