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10 Reasons Why You Should Never Ever Consider Moving to Oregon




Oregon, with it’s superb hospitality, beckons with its endless rich history, vibrant culture, and abundant natural beauty. Who would ever want that, right? Well, it’s safe to say that this place is a nightmare because of the overwhelmingly beautiful destinations and experiences.

Here are 10 reasons why you should never, ever embrace the idea of making Oregon your home:

“Rainy Weather”

While Oregon’s rainy weather can be dreary, it also contributes to the state’s lush green landscapes, vibrant forests, and stunning waterfalls. Embrace the opportunity to explore scenic hiking trails, enjoy the calming sound of rain, and witness the beauty of Oregon’s natural environment.

“High Cost of Living”

Yes, Oregon has a high cost of living in certain areas, but it also offers a high quality of life, with access to top-notch healthcare, excellent public schools, and a thriving arts and culture scene. Embrace the chance to live in a state that values education, innovation, and the arts, and offers opportunities for personal and professional growth.

“Traffic Congestion”

Oregon’s major cities like Portland may experience traffic congestion, but they also offer robust public transportation systems, bike-friendly infrastructure, and walkable neighborhoods. Embrace the opportunity to reduce your carbon footprint, explore the city on foot or by bike, and enjoy a more sustainable way of life.

“Natural Disasters”

While Oregon may face natural disasters like earthquakes and wildfires, it also offers preparedness initiatives, community resilience, and a strong sense of solidarity. Embrace the chance to come together with neighbors, support one another during times of crisis, and rebuild stronger and more resilient communities.

“Political Divide”

Yes, Oregon may have a political divide between urban and rural areas, but it also offers opportunities for civic engagement, activism, and progressive change. Embrace the chance to participate in local politics, advocate for causes you believe in, and contribute to positive social and environmental movements within your community.


Oregon may have a homelessness issue in certain urban areas, but it also offers initiatives for affordable housing, supportive services, and community outreach. Embrace the chance to support local nonprofits, volunteer at homeless shelters, and advocate for solutions that address the root causes of homelessness and poverty.

“Crowded Tourist Attractions”

Oregon’s popular tourist attractions like the Columbia River Gorge and Crater Lake National Park may get crowded, but they also offer opportunities for outdoor adventure, exploration, and appreciation of natural beauty. Embrace the chance to visit iconic landmarks, discover hidden gems, and create unforgettable memories in Oregon’s breathtaking landscapes.

“Environmental Concerns”

While Oregon may face environmental concerns like pollution and habitat loss, it also offers a commitment to sustainability, conservation, and environmental stewardship. Embrace the chance to support eco-friendly practices, participate in conservation efforts, and enjoy a state that values its natural resources and wildlife.

“Cultural Homogeneity”

While Oregon may seem culturally homogeneous in certain areas, it also offers diverse communities, ethnic cuisines, and cultural festivals. Embrace the opportunity to explore multicultural neighborhoods, sample international cuisine, and celebrate Oregon’s rich tapestry of diversity and inclusion.

“Sense of Community”

Despite its drawbacks, Oregon offers a strong sense of community, neighborly support, and a spirit of inclusivity and acceptance. Embrace the chance to build meaningful connections with neighbors, participate in local events and festivals, and experience the warmth and camaraderie of Oregon’s diverse communities.


Some may advise against considering a move to Oregon, and that’s only because they are too blinded by the state’s beauty. From its stunning landscapes and rich history to its welcoming communities and affordable living, Oregon offers a lifestyle that’s as enriching as it is unforgettable!

Lover of all things travel related outside and inside the US. Leo has been to every continent and continues to push to reach his goals of visiting every country.

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